Data-Management Services for Parallel Applications
Papers and Presentations
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Hypergraph Partitioning
Hypergraph-based Dynamic Load Balancing for Adaptive Scientific Computations.
U. Catalyurek, E. Boman, K. Devine, D. Bozdag, R. Heaphy, L.A. Riesen.
Proceedings of IPDPS'07, Best Algorithms Paper Award, March 2007.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PDF)
Citation (BIBTEX)
A Repartitioning Hypergraph Model for Dynamic Load Balancing
U. Catalyurek, E. Boman, K. Devine, D. Bozdag, R. Heaphy, L.A. Riesen.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
Vol. 69, No. 8, pp. 711-724, Aug 2009.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PDF)
Citation (BIBTEX)
Hypergraph-based Dynamic Partitioning and Load Balancing.
U. Catalyurek, D. Bozdag, E. Boman, K. Devine, R. Heaphy, and L.A. Riesen.
Advanced Computational Infrastructures for
Parallel/Distributed Adaptive Applications, M. Parashar, ed., Wiley Publishing, Dec. 2009.
Citation (BIBTEX)
Parallel Hypergraph Partitioning for Scientific Computing.
K. Devine, E. Boman, R. Heaphy, R. Bisseling, U. Catalyurek.
Proceedings of IPDPS 2006, April 2006.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PDF)
Citation (BIBTEX)
Parallel Hypergraph Partitioning for Irregular Problems.
K. Devine, E. Boman, R. Heaphy, U. Catalyurek, R. Bisseling.
SIAM Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, February 2006.
Viewgraphs (PDF)
The Zoltan and Isorropia Parallel Toolkits for Combinatorial Scientific Computing: Partitioning, Ordering, and Coloring
E.G. Boman, U.V. Catalyurek, C. Chevalier, and K.D. Devine, Scientific Programming vol. 20, no. 2, 2012, special issue on Trilinos.
Getting Started with Zoltan: A Short Tutorial.
K. Devine, E. Boman, L.A. Riesen, U. Catalyurek and C. Chevalier.
Proc. 2009 Dagstuhl Seminar on Combinatorial Scientific Computing,
February, 2009.
Citation (BIBTEX)
Viewgraphs from the tutorial (PDF)
Zoltan Data Management Services for Parallel Dynamic Applications.
K. Devine, E. Boman, R. Heaphy, B. Hendrickson, and C. Vaughan.
Computing in Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, March/April 2002, pp. 90-97.
Paper (PDF)
Citation (BIBTEX)
Zoltan v3: Parallel Partitioning, Load Balancing and Data-Management Services, User's Guide
E. Boman, K. Devine, R. Heaphy, B. Hendrickson, V. Leung, L.A. Riesen, C. Vaughan, U. Catalyurek, D. Bozdag, W. Mitchell and J. Teresco.
Sandia National Laboratories Tech. Rep. SAND2007-4748W, Albuquerque, NM, 2007.
Manual (HTML)
Citation (BIBTEX)
Zoltan v3: Parallel Partitioning, Load Balancing and Data-Management Services, Developer's Guide
E. Boman, K. Devine, R. Heaphy, B. Hendrickson, V. Leung, L.A. Riesen, C. Vaughan, U. Catalyurek, D. Bozdag, and W. Mitchell.
Sandia National Laboratories Tech. Rep. SAND2007-4749W, Albuquerque, NM, 2007.
Citation (BIBTEX)
Tinkertoy Parallel Computing: A Case Study With Zoltan.
K. Devine and B. Hendrickson.
Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering, 2005.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PDF)
Citation (BIBTEX)
Design of Dynamic Load-Balancing Tools for Parallel Applications.
K. Devine, B. Hendrickson, E. Boman, M. St.John, and C. Vaughan.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing,
Santa Fe, May, 2000.
Abstract (HTML)
Citation (BIBTEX)
Dynamic Load Balancing
Partitioning and Load Balancing for Emerging Parallel Applications and
K. Devine, E. Boman, and G. Karypis.
Chapter in Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
Heroux, Raghavan, Simon, eds. SIAM (2006) 99-126.
Citation (BIBTEX)
New Challenges in Dynamic Load Balancing.
K. Devine, E. Boman, R. Heaphy, B. Hendrickson, J. Teresco, J. Faik,
J. Flaherty, L. Gervasio.
Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 52, Issues 2-3, pp. 133-152, 2005.
Partitioning and Dynamic Load Balancing for the Numerical Solution of
Partial Differential Equations.
J. Teresco, K. Devine, J. Flaherty.
Chapter in
Numerial Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Parallel
Computers, Bruaset, Bj�rstad, Tveito, editors. � Springer-Verlag, 2005.
A model for resource-aware load balancing on heterogeneous clusters.
J. Faik, J. Flaherty, L. Gervasio, J. Teresco, K. Devine.
Williams College Department of Computer Science Technical Report CS-05-01, 2005.
Dynamic Load Balancing in Computational Mechanics.
B. Hendrickson and K. Devine.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 184 (2000), 485-500.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PS.GZ)
Graph Partitioning Models for Parallel Computing.
Bruce Hendrickson and Tamara G. Kolda.
Parallel Computing, 26 (2000), 1519-1534.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PS.GZ)
Load Balancing Fictions, Falsehoods and Falacies.
Bruce Hendrickson.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 25:99-108, 2000.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PS.GZ)
HTML version of overheads from plenary talk at the 3rd DRAMA Steering Workshop,
September, 1999.
Interprocessor Communication with Memory Constraints.
Ali Pinar and Bruce Hendrickson.
Proc. 12th ACM Symp. Parallel Algorithms and Architectures,
July 2000.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PS.GZ)
Graph Partitioning and Parallel Solvers: Has the Emperor No Clothes
(Extended Abstract).
Bruce Hendrickson.
Proc. Irregular'98,
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 1457, pp. 218-225, 1998. Copyright Springer-Verlag.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PS.GZ)
Parallel Adaptive hp-Refinement Techniques for Conservation Laws.
K. Devine and J. Flaherty.
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 20 (1996), 367-386.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PS.GZ)
Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Finite Element Methods
with Adaptive h- and p-Refinement.
K. Devine and J. Flaherty.
Proceedings of the Seventh SIAM Conference on
Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
San Francisco, CA, February, 1995.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PS.GZ)
Parallel Algorithms for Dynamically Partitioning Unstructured Grids.
Pedro Diniz, Steve Plimpton, Bruce Hendrickson and Robert Leland.
Proceedings of the Seventh SIAM Conference on Parallel
Processing for Scientific Computing, San Francisco, CA, February, 1995.
Abstract (HTML)
Paper (PS.GZ)
Improving Graph Coloring on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers.
A.E. Sariy�ce, E. Saule and �.V. �ataly�rek.
Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2011),
Dec 2011, to appear.
Distributed-memory Parallel Algorithms for Distance-2 Coloring and Related Problems in Derivative Computation.
D. Bozdag, �.V. �ataly�rek, A. H. Gebremedhin, F. Manne, E.G. Boman, and F. �zg�ner.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 2418-2446, 2010.
A Framework for Scalable Greedy Coloring on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers.
D. Bozdag, A. Gebremedhin, F. Manne, E.G. Boman, and �.V. �ataly�rek.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 515-535, Apr 2008.
A Scalable Parallel Graph Coloring Algorithm for Distributed-Memory
E. Boman, D. Bozdag, U. Catalyurek, A. Gebremedhim, F. Manne.
EuroPar 2005, August 2005.
A Parallel Distance-2 graph coloring algorithm for distributed memory
E. Boman, D. Bozdag, U. Catalyurek, A. Gebremedhin, F. Manne, F. Ozguner.
HPCC-05, September 2005.
Combinatorial Algorithms Enabling Computational Science: Tales From the
S. Bhowmick, E. Boman, K. Devine, A. Gebremedhin, B. Hendrickson, P. Hovland, T. Munson, A. Pothen.
Sandia National Laboratories Tech. Rep. SAND2006-3914C, Albuquerque, NM, 2006.
Submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Series, July 2006.